Our Values : The Engines of Our Success

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Building mutual respect within the team; earning trust of clients and partners with unflinching commitment.

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No one left alone – establishing equity by breaking barriers of gender, caste, class, race, religion and region.

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Behaviours above reproach - setting highest standards of probity and transparency.

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Humane and humble, building holistic perspective to empathise with employee and customer contexts.

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Continuously challenging status quo and consistently performing at best, individually and as a team.

Our Culture: The Wind in Our Sail

Individuality and collective cohesion define a diverse culture - unique and universal.

Ingenuity, inquisitiveness, intellect and imagination of every Cloud4Cian confluences to build a legacy of grounds up innovation. Everyone from anywhere in the organization is encouraged to think different, get mentoring and execute the big idea. After all, the human mind is the first lab for innovation.

Our Practices: The Fuel for Our Growth

Touching lives and building common cause with policies and programs, inclusive, diverse and equitable.

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Work Worry Free

Safe, secure and supportive offices across the globe. On the house dinner and complimentary transport when you stay back on projects. Reach out anytime, anywhere to anyone for any support.

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Win All Year Long

Good performance gets applauded and rewarded for everyone. No waiting for yearly rewards. Win incentives, cash prizes and goodies for every good work anytime.

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Build Wealth Along the Way

Earn ESOP and be part of your company’s growth story at every step. Get periodic guidance on financial planning from experts. Not just earn, grow your wealth.

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Shape Ideas into Innovation

Inspirations come from within, so does innovation. Be bold to think, ideate and get mentored to execute. Create solutions and revenue streams. Be a problem solver and shine bright.

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Grow Unbridled

Start anywhere and reach the top, there is no hurdle in your path to growth. Build leadership traits in every role and rise up with confidence. You company is cheering for you.

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Connect Direct

No office is off limits. Step up and speak up. Be candid and clear. Your company is open, fair and transparent.

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Experience work life harmony in vibrant hues

Never a dull day in the life of a Cloud4Cian. Here, fun and work are two sides of the same coin.

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team ceremony in cloud4c
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team celebrations in cloud4c

cloud4c team celebrations

Come, Rise to the Cloud.

Experience limitless possibilities and enjoy working with the most humane, and humble high achievers. Your first step to a sky rocketing career begins here

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